The Last Chapter

I can not put into words how grateful I am to have the opportunity to be in school. High school isn’t just about turning in your homework and passing all your tests. It is also about the way that you connect with others and the way you treat the people around you. My high school career is something that I will never forget. It hasn’t been an easy 14 years in the school system but it is going to be the most rewarding at the end of the day.

When I was a little girl I always looked up to the bigger kids. They were role models to little me and always had me looking forward to the next school year. I thought that it would be forever until I was in a position like them, but soon enough, here I am. The years have flown by and I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that I will be walking across the stage in a month. It is so surreal, it feels like yesterday I was playing recess with the same kids that I am about to graduate with.

I could not have done it without my teachers throughout the years. I have had some teachers that have stood out to me and given me a chance. They have given me kind words and have taught me to just try my hardest and things will go as planned. Those teachers have not given up on me and have made me the student I am today and will be for the rest of my schooling.

With one month left, I have no words to describe how grateful I am. I am grateful for the amazing friendships that I have made throughout the years. I am grateful for being able to have the ability to do things that some kids just cannot do. Lastly, I am so incredibly grateful for the teachers that have shown me that it is okay to make mistakes.

One quote that has stuck with me through senior year is “It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop”(Confucius). This quote stood out to me, because I know I am not the smartest but I do take my time and work hard to get the grades I have.

I am so excited for the upcoming years and I will never forget my high school experience.

I loved the idea of documenting my senior year into a blog, but as senior year approaches, this is the end.

Amie Ladage signing off…

My Goals For Senior Year

I made so many goals that I wanted to reach before my senior year of high school was over. I want to make sure that this is the best year yet and that I soak up all of my last moments. High school is something that will be missed so much, at least that is what everyone says anyways. When I think of a goal, I think of overcoming something new, stepping out of my comfort zone to commit to a plan and achieve it.

One goal that I have set for myself would be applying for scholarships, I want to have a set plan for when I get out of high school. I want to make sure that I choose the right choice for my future. I want to stay ahead on my scholarships and apply to as many as I can. I don’t want to have to worry and be stressed over my future. Another goal of mine would be to set a GPA goal, GPA is such an important factor in high school and college. I want to focus on this goal a lot because my GPA can benefit me in my college applications, and it gives me a boost of motivation to know that I am smart if I just try and put in the work. Lastly, I set a goal to limit my social media, social media takes such a big part of everyone’s life. I want to focus on myself more, I want to read more books and not worry about my social life as much.

I hope that with these goals, I will be able to have a fun and successful senior year. I hope that if there are any soon-to-be seniors or even seniors reading this blog, you guys should set goals, it is never too early or too late.

Tips For Senior Year

When I first started my senior year of high school, I didn’t know what I was going to expect. I was scared about what decisions I was going to have to make and how I was going to make it through to graduation. I decided for my blog today that I was going to write about some tips that might help others out. These tips have helped me maneuver my way through my senior year and I hope they help whoever is reading this also.

My first tip would be to look ahead to the future, but still, stay in the moment. Your education should be your main priority, along with your extra curriculum. Don’t overload your schedule with so many things, you want to still be able to enjoy your senior year. The second tip I have for you is that it is time to begin identifying ideas. Most students are still on the hunt when it comes to careers and majors, but it is good to explore your options as well. You want to have something in mind for what you want to do after high school. My third and final tip is to not lose sight of the big picture. Stay focused on the big picture while also working on the little stuff like schoolwork. And remember, there are people who can help you like a parent or even a teacher. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you have questions, I’m sure someone would love to help you get right on track.

I really hope that this helps someone else out as it helped me. High school has gone by so fast and before we all know it, we will be walking across that stage and being handed our diplomas. I am so excited to graduate high school and start my next journey.

One Last Semester

As we wrap up our final semester of high school, I can’t help but think of all the time that has gone by. The realization has finally settled and I can’t believe that I am actually a senior. It is the last semester to walk the halls, see the teachers that taught me throughout the year, and see the friends that I have made in my 4 years of being here. All good things come to an end at some point though, am I right?

I’ve always loved high school, I love school in general actually. Walking into school and seeing everyone everyday is like a wake up call. It was a hard two years with COVID and I am so happy to get back to the normal of things. With the last semester being here, we are getting to finish up our very last events in high school as seniors. We will have one more prom where we can just dance the night away with our friends and just forget about everything else, and shortly after that is graduation day. I am so excited, but also nervous to see what my life is like after high school.

I am sad that this is all going to come to an end soon and we will have to decide what we want to do with our lives. The last semester has been stressful, trying to decide what I want to do after high school to benefit myself is hard, I don’t want to make the wrong decision with college and what I want to major in. I am going to choose what I think will benefit me most in the end and something that has been on my mind for a while. I am so excited to go into the big world and find where I am supposed to be. Once I walk across that stage, my time at Lincoln Community High School will be over.

Half Way There

With us getting into December, we are wrapping up our first semester as Seniors. I cannot believe that in just 5 short months, I will be graduated from high school. It still sounds crazy to even think about it, but I am so excited for what the future holds for make after high school. I plan to go into college and study to become an Occupational Therapist. I want everyone to feel like they have a reason to be here and why to stay.

This school year has been CRAZY. It started out with spirit week, everyone had so much fun dressing up as Disney movies and so many people got creative with their outfits. After spirit week it was wacky, we might have lost to the Juniors this year, but it was a time to remember for sure. All of this lead up to Homecoming where everyone and their dates looked stunning, it was a great last homecoming for sure. In the mix of all this, I had my senior pictures which looked amazing, the girl did so good and I couldn’t be more happy of the way that they turned out. After all of this and many days off of school for thanksgiving, we have little time left to get in many tests and lots of finals before Christmas break. The week of finals is always so stressful but the feeling after them being done is like weight being lifted off of my chest.

I cannot wait for my next and final semester of high school. I will forever soak in the nervousness of coming back to school after break and the way that people look when they walk in with all their new clothes from Christmas. Im going to be happy for where life takes me after high school, but will also miss the memories I had in it.

My favorite book from SENIOR YEAR

In my senior year of high school, I’ve read a lot of books. I have a goal that by the end of my school year, I will finish all of Colleen Hoovers books. She is one of my favorite authors and I love the way that she writes her books. I have read a total 7 of her books and I personally think they get better and better every time. I have read Verity, Reminders of Him, Without Merit, Maybe, Maybe Now, Ugly Love, and Regretting You. Out of all of those books, my favorite one is Regretting You. It wasn’t just the way that it was wrote that I loved, but the way that the storyline was played out that I loved.

Regretting You is about Morgan Grant who had a mother that didn’t care what time they got home, how they got home, or even who they were with. Morgan even had to step in as a “mother” for her little sister Jenny. Morgan and her sixteen year old daughter, Clara, would like nothing more than to be nothing alike. Morgan is determined to prevent her daughter from making the same mistakes she did. By getting pregnant and married way too young, Morgan put her own dreams on hold. Morgan felt obligated to get married to her high school sweetheart, Chris because of the fact that she got pregnant. Chris had a best friend names Jonah who was dating Morgan’s little sister. The story goes on and things get even more crazier.

This book has been the best book I’ve ever read. I got into it so quickly and it definitely had me on the edge of my seat. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves romance and anyone who is a huge fan of Colleen Hoover (Like me).

How Coronavirus effected my years of high school…

You go to high school for 4 years, you make friends, you have fun, and you get to learn something new everyday. Personally I find school very tolerable and I don’t have a problem with being there. It is a place where you are able to be yourself an express to one another. My 4 years of high school were fun but also way different than what a normal high school experience was years ago.

My freshman year was going just fine, I was getting use to the school I was going to be at for the next 4 years and I was getting to know everyone. Towards the end of my Freshman year, Coronavirus hit the U.S. and I spent the last almost 2 month of school on my chrome book at home. It was hard to say the least because nobody knew what was going too happen, we all just thought that we would get a 2 week staycation at home until everything settled, but that was not the case. When it came to my Sophomore year of high school, I did my first semester online, my parents were scared for my safety and didn’t want me to get sick. When the second quarter came around, I convinced my parents to let me go back to school so I could enjoy the high school experience I was supposed to have. Junior year we were still being made to wear masks until the beginning of 2022 and we finally were able to go back to the normal high school experience for the first time in almost 2 years. Senior year has felt the most normal, I know Covid is still there, but nobody really talks about it anymore, we haven’t had to wear masks at all this year and I’m happy that things are starting to get back to normal for my last year in high school.

I am so happy that Covid has died down and that I am able to actually have my family come and watch me graduate without having to worry if they will get sick.

I will miss you all

I’ve always had friends that were in my class. I have never really associated with people that were underclassmen in the classroom, but that changed when I started high school. In school, I was put into classes with kids, not in my grade which was weird at first but once I got used to it and got to know them it wasn’t as bad as I thought. I actually turned out to really liked it and that they would come to be one of the most important people in my life.

I’m a senior now, and I am getting in all my lasts with my underclassmen friends. Its hard to believe that I’ve been friends with them for 2-3 years now and I have so little time to spend with them. While I’m happy to spend this time with them, it makes me sad to think that they will be going into their junior/senior year without me. I just want them to know that even if we do not go to school together, see each other everyday in the hallways, and not talk as much as we did in high school that I am so proud of them and hope that they grow into amazing people.

There is so many more last that I get to be apart of with my friends as I wrap up my senior year, and I will cherish those for long when I am gone. They have made such an impact on my life and my high school years. I wish them the best of luck and hope they know to never take anything or anyone for granted.

After Highschool

I have run through so many options of what I would want to do after high school if I want to go to college or just work instead. I don’t want to disappoint my family and friends with the decision I make. I know it is supposed to be about me, but I care about what other people think way too hard.

With me being in my senior year, I need to hurry and decide my options so if I plan on college I can start with scholarships. If I were to go to college and start building up my career, I would want to become an Occupational Therapist and study up to the point where I am happy. I want to work hard and get my master’s and open up my own place one day. I love the idea of helping people and making people understand their worth because if they aren’t then what is the point. I want people to feel loved and I would do anything to do so. The other part of me though is that I don’t think I am good enough for college. What if I waste all the money for nothing and I just fail. I don’t want to go through all of that for nothing.

With my decision, I am going to college and going to work up to getting my masters in Occupational Therapy. I hope that this is the best option for me and I can’t wait to help people that need me!

How Time Flies…

I never believed people when they said to soak in every moment of high school because of how fast it goes by… but now I understand what they mean. The purpose of my post is to talk about how quickly senior year has arrived and how crazy my high school experience has been. Underclassmen/Juniors if you are reading this, truly understand to soak up all of your happy high school moments and never take them for granted.

My high school experience was one I will never forget. I started my high school experience in 2019 at Lincoln Community High School and I have been extremely grateful. Freshman year was the craziest year ever! In March of my freshman year, Covid 19 happened and the year got cut short and everyone was put on lockdown and required to finish the rest of the year online. The first half of my sophomore year was spent online, and it was super hard/difficult. The second half of that year was spent actually in school and it felt good to be around people and not having to do everything through a computer. Junior year was the best year of high school hands down. I worked really hard and had such a good mindset, I even got high honors in both quarters! Here I am… senior year, and I can’t wait to see what it holds for me. 

I can’t believe that I have come this far to where I am now. I am so excited to see what the future holds for me and the rest of the class of 23′. I’m sad but excited that after this year I will be all on my own and going to college to start my future. Just remember to never give up, know your worth, and be grateful to get through your high school years with wonderful memories.